Earlier this year I was asked by John Lynch at Wimbledon in Sporting History (WiSH) if I fancied writing and recording a new AFC song. John had heard a song I wrote some years back about the demise of the old club which he had liked and it started him thinking…. I’m pleased he did because yesterday not one but two songs – two new AFC Wimbledon songs ! by me came out on a CD produced by WiSH. To say I’m pleased is an understament. The songs are Blue Blood Veins and The Greatest Story. Blue Blood Veins features Wimbledon Fans Andy & James Gibbons and Hannah White and Keiron Marshall on backing vocals. A big big thank you to you guys you made this track very special.
Yesterday WiSH also premiered a film ‘Wombles From The Lane – An Oral History’ and I am pleased to say Blue Blood Veins is featured in the film as was a small clip of video footage I took of the 1988 FA Cup Final Parade through Wimbledon Town Centre. So as the say in football circles “over the moon Brian over the moon!”
The CD is available from WiSH and all proceeds go towards their charitable work. Click here to find out more about WiSH